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收录时间:2021-12-06    答题:高三英语(余老师)


1What kind of coffee does the man usually have?

A.Italian. B.Brazilian. C.French.

2Where are the speakers?

A.In an office. B.In a park. C.In a coffee shop.






W: Good morning. I’m afraid we don’t have your favorite today. Our supplier didn’t deliver any.

M: What other types do you recommend?

W: Well, the lady sitting over there used to order the same Brazilian coffee you have. Then one day she tried Italian and she’s been having it every day since.

M: Hmm, I’ll try that then, but I don’t think I’ll be changing permanently. It’s my weekly treat after a tough morning at the office.

W: It’s good to try different things. I went to a French restaurant once and tried snails. I didn’t think I’d like them but they were great.