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收录时间:2021-12-21    答题:初二英语(顾老师)

The city Bank was broken into yesterday at 8 p.m. The police were asking two men, John Smith and his brother Joseph Smith.

A policeman interviewed John Smith
John Smith was asked, “What did you do last night?” He answered, “ I was with my brother, Joseph, all the time. I arrived at my brother's house at about 6:45 and we watched TV until about 7:30. We watched the news and a baseball game. Then we walked into the town centre and had a meal at a restaurant. I can't remember the name of the restaurant. It was a big one, but it was almost empty. We both had fish and chips. We left there at 8:40 and walked back to Joseph's house.”
The statement is true.
Signed: John Smith


A Policeman Interviewed Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith was asked,” What did you do last night?” He answered, “I was with John all the time. John came to my house at fifteen to seven, and then we watched TV for about 45 minutes. We watched a movie about a basketball player, but I can't remember the name of the movie. Then we took a taxi to a restaurant. I forget what the restaurant is called. There were not many people there. I had steak and chips, and John had chicken. We left there at twenty to nine and we went back to my house.”
The statement is true.
Signed: Joseph Smith

(1)The policeman wanted to find the person who _____
A.told a lie
B.knew the thief
C.went into the bank
D.stole the baseball
(2)John and Joseph are ________
A.boss and worker
C.policeman and thief
(3)The two men told the police the same thing about __________
A.How they got to the restaurant 
B.The time they left the restaurant
C.What they ate
D.The TV programmes
(4)The two men didn't ________
A.eat at a restaurant last night
B.watch a movie on TV
C.know the name of the restaurant
D.like to eat chips

【解析】城市的银行被抢了,警察对两个有嫌疑的人John 和Joseph进行了审讯,让他们叙述昨天晚上做了什么。兄弟两人的说法有不一样的地方。(1)C推理判断题。根据短文的开头可知,市里的银行在昨晚8点的时候被抢了,警察想要找到作案的人。他们怀疑John Smith和他的哥哥Joseph Smith。因此应选C。
(2)D细节理解题。根据短文第一段中The police were asking two men, John Smith and his brother Joseph Smith可知,John和Joseph是兄弟。由此可知应选D。