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最新更新时间:2024-07-20 07:26:25 分类:托福真题 发布时间:5年前 1名老师参与回答




Task 2

1.When giving feedback to students, some teachers would like to talk to their students in person; while some teachers would give written comments to students. Which do you prefer and why?


2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Business conferences should meet in person instead of using video calls.


3.State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons, using specific details in your explanation. People are more likely to enjoy themselves at concerts or films if they go with a group of friends.


4.When you disagree with your friends or family on certain things, would you like to convince them or let them keep their own opinion?


5.Some people prefer to prevent their kids from knowing the difficulties in life; other people prefer to let their kids have life experience at an early age. Which do you prefer? Why?


6.Some teachers prefer to answer students’ questions while they are delivering a lecture. Some teachers prefer to answer their questions when the lecture is over. Which one do you prefer? Why?


7.Do you prefer to work from home or in the office?


8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is a good idea to get a job under the influence of other people. 


9.Some managers tend to check worker’s task closely or frequently; while others tend to check them rarely or causally. Which is better for the management?


10.Which do you prefer: taking classes in the morning or in the afternoon?


11.In order to teach young people about good nutrition and health, your school is planning to require students to take cooking classes in addition to other subjects. Do you think this requirement is a good idea? Why or why not?


12.Do you agree that the university dining hall should raise the cost of junk food?


13.Some students prefer to do things which they are good at. Some students force themselves to do what they are not good at? Which do you prefer? Why? 


14.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it’s easier to teach elementary school kids than college students?


15.What is your opinion on the following statement: students should be allowed to take snacks and beverage into classrooms?


16.Do you think it is reasonable to give a lower grade to the assignment that hand in after deadline?


17.Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer? Why?


18.While you are on a vacation, do you prefer to spend more money or less money?


19.Some people believe that students should participate after school activities while they are dealing with their school work. Others prefer to focus on school work only. Which do you prefer?


20.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people should be fined for checking or looking at their cellphones when walking in streets and crossing roads? 

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