首页 > 高二英语 > 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题...[高二][英语]
收录时间:2021-11-15    答题:高二英语(董老师)


1What prizes were given last week?

A.iWatches. B.Sports bags. C.Pens.

2When was the show broadcast for the first time?

A.A week ago. B.A month ago. C.A year ago.

3What does the speaker say about the footballer?

A.He can speak French. B.He has a famous wife. C.He owns a club.

4How will the listeners give their answers?

A.By making a call. B.By writing a letter. C.By sending a postcard.








Good morning! I’m Samuel Davis. And now for our Mystery Person of the week and your chance to win one of our amazing prizes. Last week’s competition produced a huge response and the first five answers pulled out of the box received $120 worth of sports bags. And if you didn’t win last week, here’s another chance.

And this week’s prize is even bigger. We will give away ten prizes of $280 worth of iWatches to mark the first anniversary of the show, so get your pens ready to take down the address details. Just write the name of the person you think is our mystery person and send it to Mystery Draw, PO Box 5110, London. And now let me introduce our mystery person this week.

He is a very well-known footballer who plays for a famous club, and has also played for his national team. He is very talented and is very popular, especially for the part he played in a famous footballing victory. He has no famous wife, and speaks French but not a Frenchman. If you think you know who he is, then send your answer on a postcard to Mystery Draw, PO Box 5110, London. That’s PO Box 5110. We don’t accept letters. And please don’t forget to write your name and telephone number, too.