首页 > 高二英语 > 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题...[高二][英语]
收录时间:2021-11-15    答题:高二英语(赵老师)


1How does the girl feel about making a speech?

A.Nervous. B.Confident. C.Excited.

2What did the boy do to prepare for his speech?

A.He kept every word in mind.

B.He wrote an 800-word passage.

C.He wrote down the main points.






M: I’ll be the main speaker in the classroom discussion tomorrow morning.

W: I hate to speak in front of the audience. I often forget what to say and don’t know where to put my hands. By the way, did you keep every word of the speech in your mind?

M: No, I didn’t even write every word, just an outline of about 80 words. You know, the speech is about my personal experience in learning maths. I’m not afraid of anything.

W: You’re wonderful! I hope you succeed in tomorrow’s public speaking.