首页 > 五年级英语 > 听录音,根据你所听到的内容选择正确的答案,在前面的括号里用A,B或C表示...[五年级][英语]
收录时间:2021-08-01    答题:五年级英语(陆老师)


(1)The student’s English is         .

A. very well          B. not very good     C. good

(2)The student cant say the word “Egg” in         .

A. Chinese.           B. French          C. English

(3)He went to a restaurant and wanted to have some       .

A. eggs              B. chicks           C. hens

(4)He knows       come from eggs.

A. hens              B. chicks           C. eggs  

(5)The student in this story is          .

A. angry              B. clever           C.  lost

(6)Where does the student come from?  He comes from         .

A. China.             B. London          C. England


【答案】(1)B  (2)C  (3)A  (4)B  (5)B  (6)A



A Chinese student is on his holiday in London. He knows a little English. He can’t speak English very well.

Yesterday he went to a restaurant. He wanted to have some eggs, but he can’t say the English word “Egg”. He looked around the restaurant and saw a picture of a hen. He showed it to the waiter.

“What do you call its children?” he asked.

“Chicks, sir.”

“And where do chicks come from?”